Acupuncture comes to many people's mind as an alternative means of managing acute or chronic pain, or of trying to alleviate physical symptoms of their medical condition, and often when conventional medicine has failed to meet expectations. However, Five Element Acupuncture is an extremely effective therapy in helping to address a patient’s emotional issues as well as their physical ones.
At certain times in our lives, and often for no apparent reason, we may find ourselves feeling disorientated, overwhelmed or unhappy. We may have difficulty in coping and would really benefit from a little extra help. Five Element Acupuncture therapy offers a safe, drug-free, non-judgemental approach which facilitates and supports the patient’s movement through a period of transition.
Specific episodes in our lives can contribute to this feeling of ‘being out of sorts’, ‘not my old self’ or having ‘lost my way in life’. These episodes may be recent or historical but include such things as:
Relationship breakdown
Physical/emotional/sexual abuse
Traumatic child birth (especially prolonged or very quick labour)
Termination, Miscarriage or failed IVF
Prolonged stress
Exam pressures
Children leaving home
Family/work disharmony
Lack of motivation/achievement
Post-operative stress/recovery
Palliative support
Jo Banthorpe is a Five Element Acupuncturist practising in Ipswich and would be happy to discuss your health concerns in strictest confidence -
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